Sermon Archives

August 10, 2017

The Joy of Knowing Jesus

The Joy of Knowing Jesus

The New Testament connects joy and the knowledge of Jesus in surprising ways. In this opening message from the 2017 Prayer Summit, Stephen Venable challenges us to embrace a radical reach for revelation of the glory of Christ in our lives.

December 31, 2010

Following Jesus to the Cross

Following Jesus to the Cross

The precious cross of Christ is not to be looked at only for salvation but also for imitation. Taught by Jesus and then lived by the apostles, the Bible calls us to emulate the sacrificial love displayed in the crucifixion for the sake of the glory of Christ. This message is structured as a line […]

November 7, 2010

Glorifying Jesus through Costly Discipleship

Glorifying Jesus through Costly Discipleship

If we are looking rightly, one of most  astonishing features  of the New Testament is the great joy that the early disciples had in the midst of great sacrifice and suffering. How is this possible? In this message Stephen develops the often unfamiliar theme of the dynamic design that God has to glorify Jesus through […]