The proximity of Good Friday and Easter serves as a good occasion for focusing our attention on the death and resurrection of Jesus. The preciousness of these events far transcends a certain portion of the year, but perhaps the fact that multitudes of Christians all over the world will be remembering the sacred story can help remedy the chronic neglect it often suffers from. Should we be under compulsion to follow the Church calendar? No. Yet how often are most Christians really meditating on the crucifixion throughout the rest of the year? If this historic season of celebration can function as a catalyst for hearts and minds to actually be set upon the Lamb who was slain then I have no reservations about observing it. So, unto this end, I will be attempting to offer a few posts over the next two weeks aimed at forging a path for beholding Jesus during the final days and weeks leading up to His death. My goal will not primarily be to provide the substance of the meditation, but to clear away obstacles that can hinder it – making the path as plain as possible. Typically what stands in the way of adoring Christ at the cross is a lack of vision of why it is so important and a sense of intimidation that the events are too difficult to understand. I know these obstacles well, having often stumbled over them myself. Jesus has been very kind to aid me in my own journey, and my hope is that perhaps this can serve some of you who may read.