In early Spring of 2011, Stephen had the honor of being invited to travel to Scotland to cast a vision for prayer. Hosted by Tearfund, in partnership with the Glasgow House of Prayer, the focus was specifically on awakening a burden to intercede for global issues of suffering. Titled Passion for Jesus, Passion for Prayer, Passion for the Poor, this tour visited five different cities throughout Scotland. These meetings raised awareness, modeled intercessory worship, and called the body of Christ to raise their voice before God’s throne on behalf of the afflicted.
During the afternoon, however, there were also smaller gatherings held for pastors and leaders that sought to offer inspiration and understanding for the house of prayer in their city. This message is the first part of these sessions, spoken in Glasgow on the final day of the tour. In it Stephen sets forth three clear reasons from Scripture for embracing a vision for 24/7 worship.
A free download of the audio and notes from this sermon is available below. If this message is a blessing to you, please consider giving through the paypal link in the sidebar or click here to find out more on how to partner financially with Stephen through a one-time gift or monthly support.
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