The sovereignty of God has been one of the most frequently debated subjects over the last five centuries of the history of the Church. Most of these controversies, however, actually have little to do with how Scripture describes God’s sovereignty. This message begins by addressing the need to remove sovereignty from a philosophical context and place it within its proper biblical context. With that foundation in place, Stephen then delves into this breathtaking facet of God’s identity revealed in the Bible. He is a faithful Creator and an awesome King who actively sustains and reigns over the heavens and the earth. Revelation on this subject proves to be vital for engendering faith in prayer, gratitude in worship, and clarity concerning the judgments of God. Spoken in July, 2011 at the Wall in Colorado Springs.
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I would like to listen to your sermons but I cannot downloads them for some reason. As far as i know my computer software is up to date…