A house of prayer is not an abstract environment. It consists of participants actively engaging in prayer and worship. In order for weak people to be motivated to stay faithful in their devotion, it not only requires a revelation of the glory of God but also of His design for humanity. If long hours of prayer and worship are perceived as peripheral to the purpose of man, then the house of prayer will always be seen as eccentric. Beginning in the beginning with Adam, Stephen draws out the biblical evidence that humanity was actually fashioned to minister to God above all else and that to be in covenant with God is to be a priest before Him. Far from peripheral, worship and prayer are at the very center of who we were made to be.
This message was spoken on September 17th, 2011 at the Relentless Conference hosted by the Tallahassee House of Prayer. A free download of the audio and notes from this sermon is available below. If this message is a blessing to you, please consider giving through the PayPal link in the sidebar or click here to find out more on how to partner financially with Stephen through a one-time gift or monthly support.
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