In the summer of 1886, a group of 100 college students in Mt. Hermon, Massachusetts consecrated themselves to the vision of the evangelization of the world in their generation. One of the leaders of that historic group was a young man named Robert Wilder. The following year he traveled throughout America seeking to plunder college campuses for the cause of Christ in the nations. This began what is now known as the Student Volunteer Movement (SVM). Over the next three decades, tens of thousands of the best and the brightest of that generation sailed from America’s shores to give their lives to the work of missions. This was the inspiration for the Wilder Tour.
Over the course of a few weeks in January of 2013, students from the ACTS School visited over thirty college campuses to sound a call to spread the fame of Jesus to the hardest and darkest places of the earth. The tour ended in a conference at Mott Auditorium, named after the man who would later be named the chairman of the SVM.
It was there in Mott Auditorium, on the morning of February 2nd, that Allen Hood of IHOPKC gave a stunning charge for a generation to embrace the extravagance of love and lay down their lives for the sake of Jesus in the nations. The Lord came in power and confirmed this word with a remarkable demonstration of His presence. Many were forever marked and set apart to be witnesses for His name even unto death.
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