For the last two years we have had the privilege of serving on the leadership team of ACTS (the Antioch Center for Training and Sending) – the missionary training and sending organization that has been based out of IHOPKC. ACTS came into being in 2010 around the vision to send “the best and the brightest to the hardest and darkest.” Through a number of very clear and powerful ways, the Lord has knit us deeply into this vision, and it has been our joy to work with dozens of amazing young people as they seek to be sent forth to parts of the world where very few missionaries currently labor. There are billions of people in the Middle East and South Asia who have never once heard the truth of the good news of the Lord Jesus, and the ACTS student missionaries are choosing to go into these difficult regions in order to make Him known.
When they go they carry with them the heartbeat of the prayer room in Kansas City, where they have spent multitudes of hours in prayer and worship during their training. Not only do these teams begin to learn the language and build relationships in order to share the truth of Jesus, but also from their first days on the field, they spend hours a day ministering to the Lord together. The fragrance of intercession and songs of adoration ascend to Jesus from places where His name has scarcely been whispered over the course of centuries. This is why ACTS is truly just an extension of the 24/7 prayer and worship that has been going on for 15 years at IHOPKC. Recently I wrote a short article trying to capture the beauty of their choices. You can hear also hear some of their voices directly articulate this in a video that was recently released by ACTS. It is a beautiful testimony to the worth of Jesus and His compassion for the unreached.
In March of this year the decision was made for ACTS to relocate to Colorado Springs (I encourage you to read the statement from ACTS explaining the move here). Beginning September 1st, ACTS will be working in partnership with Every Home for Christ alongside a vibrant prayer room that will continue to grow in the months and years ahead.
After months of praying and seeking the Lord, Karli and I made the decision to move to Colorado Springs in order to invest even more deeply in the vision of ACTS. It is difficult because we love IHOPKC so much! We are so excited for what is ahead but nothing has changed in our affection for this amazing place that has been our home for over a decade. We are so profoundly grateful for biblical teaching, a culture of faith and spiritual depth, a standard of humility in leadership, a community of servanthood, and the 24/7 ministry to the Lord that stands at the center of it all. As I write this we have about a month remaining until we relocate to Colorado Springs. During my time in the prayer room this week my heart has been filled with thankfulness. There are truly no words to adequately express my gratitude for that room where the lights are always on, the doors are always open, and the sound of corporate prayer never ceases to rise to the Lord.
Yet before us stands an invitation from the Lord to contend for His worth in a new way – laboring for the proliferation of His glory among the unreached with ACTS and building the house of prayer in Colorado Springs. We are so grateful that our new home will be in the shadow of the grandeur of the mountains that we love. We feel like this will be a wonderful place for our boys to grow up, and another huge blessing for our family will be the benefits of a more arid climate and higher altitude on Karli’s spine and joints.
In many ways my focus in ministry will narrow more than it will change in the season ahead. I will continue to minister to the Lord in the prayer room and serve in a more focused way on the leadership team of ACTS – primarily through teaching and writing. We also really enjoy getting to know the ACTS students on a personal level. Karli is very gifted at mentoring and discipling and she is excited about working more closely with the young women in the training program. I will continue to travel with ACTS and also to minister at various events domestically and abroad as the Lord opens doors. After our family gets through this time of transition I will resume regularly posting resources on this site.
Pray for Us
Every moment of our lives, we are desperately in need of the Lord’s help, but we really feel this right now. The next month is going to be so challenging in so many ways, as we are sure many of you might understand and know well. We really covet your prayers during this transition. Please pray that our house in Kansas City would sell quickly and for the full amount we are asking. Pray for continued and miraculous financial provision. Pray for Karli’s health and her body during all the physical demands of moving to another state. Pray for us as we have to say good-bye to so many beloved friends and family at IHOPKC and in Kansas City. And pray especially for our boys during this transition and as we settle into live in the Springs.
Partner With Us
As part of a missions organization, a significant portion of our monthly income will still come from monthly supporters and/or one-time givers. Donations through ACTS are as simple as going to the ACTS support website and selecting our personal donor ID number of 55544 from the drop down menu. Donations can given as a one-time gift or set up automatically on a recurring basis.
We have a special need right now for one-time gifts to help with moving and housing expenses. The housing markets in KC and the Springs are very different. The Lord has been extravagant toward us through the generosity of His people and we have already received the majority of what we need. Please pray about helping us get the total through a one-time gift. You can give via ACTS or through the PayPal link for gifts that are not tax-deductible. We are so grateful for your consideration.